Early At-Home
C-Section Intervention
Returning home after a C-section (planned or unplanned) with a newborn can be overwhelming and scary for many. During this at home session we guide you through safe movements, teach self-care techniques, and show you how to care for your baby while protecting your healing body.
What Does This Session Include?
Commonly Asked Questions
How early can this session be done?
Since most of this education should be done right after the surgery, this session can be done as soon as you come home from the hospital. The sooner you begin to implement the techniques provided in this session the better!
Is it safe to start physical therapy so soon after surgery?
Yes! Most patients receive physical therapy day of or day after major abdominal surgery in the hospital. Why this isn't the case with C-section mommas is beyond us! But this session is not a typical physical therapy session. Read the question below for details.
How much of this session is actual exercise?
Actual exercise? Not much. Why? Because your day to day tasks are more than enough exercise after a major abdominal surgery! Most of this session is teaching you how to protect your healing abdomen while also taking care of your baby. We may go through simple daily tasks for practice to make sure you get it right. The small amount of "exercise" in this session is showing you gentle diaphragmatic breathing and the very beginnings of core engagement.