Birth Preparation
Research has shown positive outcomes for pregnant women who participate in childbirth preparedness sessions. Birth Preparation is a form of prenatal wellness that takes place when you reach 35 weeks of pregnancy. The goal of birth prep is to prepare the body for birth in order to decrease risks of injury and complications as well as to improve confidence and positivity going into labor and delivery.
What Will You Learn in a Birth Preparation Session?
Commonly Asked Questions
How long is the session?
The session ranges from an hour and a half to two hours (depends on how many questions you have!)
Does it include handouts?
Yes! A full folder of information summarizing the session is included.
Can I do more than one birth preparation session?
Yes! The first session is intended to be education focused - providing all the necessary knowledge pertaining to a vaginal birth. Follow up birth preparation sessions focus on full body manual therapy to prepare the body physically for birth. This includes soft tissue mobilizations and stretches focused on the ribs, hips, pelvis, and pelvic floor to promote lengthening and relaxation in preparation for labor. Pushing techniques will be practiced and reinforced from the first session. Perineal massage by the Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist will also be offered.
If I am 32 weeks pregnant can I do the session?
Sure! The suggested timeframe is 35/36 weeks simply because it is more relevant at this time. But it is totally fine to sign up and do it earlier!
What if I am 39 weeks pregnant?
It is certainly crunch tine by this point! But still ok to prep with this session! Just makre sure to book ASAP!
Any discounts postpartum for doing this session?
YES! I offer a 15% discount for your postpartum evaluation if you do a birth prep session with me!